Tuesday 3 November 2009

Earlier this year, my son Lance took over as landlord of the Wheatsheaf Public House on the Fulham Road in Fulham, London. On 31st October, the somewhat unsurprising theme of Haloween was chosen for the night.

The Wheatsheaf serves really good grub (not normally apples floating in buckets however) and on the 31st Lance also arranged for some live music.

The Wheatsheaf is the "sister" pub to the Union Tavern in Clerkenwell (near Kings cross) where TPS currently has an exhibition of their architectural monochrome images. The grub at both of these venues is outstanding and links are below should you wish to find them. Please note that at the time of posting this, the Wheatsheaf's web site was still being designed.


  1. Great images Tim, looks like you had a good night :-)

  2. I was very tired and although the majority of the crowd were a peaceful fun-loving crew, two drunken yobs ruined it for me. As you know our ethos is based on a good working relationship with the people we photograph. This is somewhat lost when we have to shout to be heard, but most people appear to have had a great time.

  3. Pity about the yobs, but you got the shots and that's what is important :-)
    Having worked with you I know you build a great relationship with your clients.

  4. Nice Pictures Tim, Really Freaky having a sort of de javu. was a great night with greater company.

